27 Mar 2023

The New York Subway

The New York subway has 472 stations and 36 lines and began operation I’m 1904. I don’t want to go into facts and figures but it’s amazing to consider it has 248 miles of route and can reach a top speed of 55mph but has an average speed of 17.4mph. I don’t normally get excited about trains and subways but I grew up in London and the London Underground is iconic entity and part of everyday life in Central London that I’ve used from a young age so it was mind blowing to ride its American cousin. 

Like a multiverse variant of something I’m already familiar with I learnt one golden rule - The Bronx is up and Brooklyn’s down. I’d already heard something similar from The Beastie Boys Hello Brooklyn “New York, New York it’s a hell of a town, You know The Bronx is up and I’m Brooklyn down”. Anyway, here are some random shots from my time there. 

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